adapt ergonomic office chairs

The Adapt Ergonomic Office Chairs provide excellent ergonomics

Available with a large number of adaptations, the Adapt 500,  Adapt 600, Adapt 700, Adapt 200, Adapt Zento ergonomic office chair ranges.

Do most people know about the major elements that make up an ergonomic office chair?

No,…because people aren’t made to standard specifications

Adapt also known as ErgoChair office chairs are right at the front of the queue when it comes to good ergonomics. Originally designed, as the name suggests, to be messed about with, they are completely customisable and built around the user.

These office chairs have earned their reputation for being well-built, hand-crafted and ergonomically sound. Made to order in the United Kingdom

Office Chair Adaptations are changes to make them ergonomic for the user to help with a huge and still growing number of postural and disability needs.

People, come in all shapes and sizes and benifit from simple additions like armrests, neck supports through to bespoke foam sculpting and inflatable air-cell positioning.

The Adapt 600 Office Chair Range provides a complete made-to-measure solution as the most adaptable range within the adapt chair ranges.

Adapt 500 Office Chair Range provides excellent ergonomics and is the entry point to the adapt chair family.

The Adapt 700 Office Chair Range is a ‘heavy-duty’ solution to accommodate a bariatric user – up to 40 stone (250kg).

Our ‘petite’ offering, the Adapt 200 office chair offer superb ergonomics for smaller, lighter users who are often not very well catered for in the general ergonomic chair market.